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Monday, 20 June 2011

Finally an achievement!!

Wow, welcome to my blog. This is a bit like xanga, makes me begin to think how fast 4 years have gone...
I'm SOO happyyy right now!! I found out I passed my drug calculations exam. NOT only that...

I passed with 100% (That never happens to me!!!) just shows I CAN do it =)

Story behind the exam is soo me though...this is what happened...

* So, I woke up particularly early on this Monday morning, hoping that I could get breakfast and some focus on the exam before arriving at uni. Then I decided I didn't want to walk (40 minutes) and sweat it out before my exam, so I drove in. I was 30 minutes early. Phew.
So, everyone's catching up on their holiday etc, when my friend pulls out her student ID card,

urm...""NO! Are you Serious??!!!

"Tiff, whats wrong? You haven't got it have you? It'll be okay, just mention it to the lecturer when she comes in"

I leg it out of the computer lab as fast as I could....lecturers outside.

"Urm...Do we definitely NEED our student ID cards?"

"YES TIFFANY YOU DO, otherwise it's a direct referral"


The lecturer was soo nice, she was telling me to be careful and that I had 25 minutes before I would not be let back in....I will not lie, that was the quickest run (to the car) that I've ran in this whole year ...when I get in the car, I nearly hit a cyclist, I was sooo nervous. Traffic. Great =(
I get home, and quickly get my ID card and leg it back out. My housemate was sooo confused and scared too see me, but I had no time to tell him what happened!!
time's ticking...15 minutes GONE...only 10 left AND i've got to paark the car, run back to uni and get up 5 flights of stairs!! URGHHH!!!

23 minutes gone, I make it back into the computer lab. WOW. DRAMA. 2 minutes later and I would've failed!!! Withouttt sitting the exam!!!! pass with the mark I did, makes me even happierrrrr!!! I proveed to myself that I can achieve. Even if I am the most clumsiest person on earth....