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Friday, 18 November 2011


I am loving the thick socks under boots look. I went into TKmaxx today and saw these amazinggggg pringle boot socks! I bought 4 pairs, 2 black socks and 2 brown ones. They are super comfy and were only £11.98 for the four pairs when they should've been £ 25.99!!!! What a massive sale!! THANK YOU TKmaxx.

On another note, I have been watching "One Tree Hill". I remember a few years ago, I kept thinking whatts the big deal? BUT, I completely understand now! It's brilliant! Now on Season 3! Many more still to watch, a complete distraction from my dissertation, but well worth it! =D

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Remember to moisturise

Winter is here which means "hellloooo festivities!!!" BUT, the cold does nothing for my skin. My skin feels dehydrated and is always dry in winter. I have to constantly moisturise (as I already suffer with dry skin) and I haven't worn foundation in the past few weeks as I feel my skin sttarts looking flaky with foundation on top of my dry skin. Does anyone know any moisturising foundations? I use Vitalumiere aqua annd prescriptives foundation in the summer which iss perfect for my skin, but in winter, I really need to find a moisturising foundation for my type  of skin. Any ideas?

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Bonfire Night

did you all enjoy firework night? I went over to my cousins house and we had an awesome time!
It was pretty cold, so we wrapped up warm in scarfs, gloves and lil' hats.

We bought LOADS of fireworks, and had sparklers (which we tried to write our names with).

Pizza was sooo yummy.... Obviously from dominos!

The fireworks were brilliant. The packaging does say "stay 25m away" however, the garden itself wasn't even that long!!!! So it was a bit risky, But nothing dangerous happened, and we made sure we stayed as far back as we could have been. Here are all the fireworks below!!!

Do you celebrate bonfire night? Did you do your own fireworks or go to the local park and watch them with friends? Let me kno!! =D x

Monday, 31 October 2011

J J J Jessssieeee J

Words CANNOT describe how incredible this lady is!!! WE LOVEDDD you Jessie!!! =D

It was Hot in the areana, one girl at the front passed out!!!! (I mean if I was at the front sooo close to Jessie, I'd probably pass out too!!!)

Her voice is sensational. How she has so much power and energy for the whole concert?!! A true artist!
One song that made me cry ----> "Who you are"

THANK YOU for writing all those wonderful songs and sticking with your music no matter how many no's you got. You've finally made it Jessie! A true inspiration!!


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Nights out

Haven't had a night out in sooooooo long! Went out on Saturday night, and we ended up walking to loads of clubs/bars until we finally found the right one for the night! It was awesome, 90s tunes, cheap drinks (although I don't drink alcohol-as it affects my health), but for my friends, it was brilliant! What a nighttt!!!

So...We got back at about 4AM! Got changed, and then walked over to the local kebab shop to munch away our hungry-ness! Do you guys like a cheeky kebab after nights out? Or takeouts etc?

So, I finally got to bed at 5AM, but what a brilliant night!!! =D

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Sorry it's been nearly a whole week of not blogging...
I've been busy at uni with dissertation AND I've started watching "one tree hill"!!! My friend has lent me season 1, and yes I'm loving it!!!

I LOVE youtube. No thats an understatement. But, sometimes when I'm working on uni work on my laptop, it's easier to work with a dvd on, or the tele on rather then watching a youtube video and "trying" to do work on my laptop at the same time.

so who do you like to watch on youtube?

Daily- Thesacconejolys, TheShaytards, various beauty channels....

I'm hoookeedddd...I just hope that one day they don't decide to start charging to watch the videos!

xx p.s Stay warrrrmmm, it's freeeeeeeeeeezing!!! xx

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


So, how many siblings do you have?
Do you guys get on?
How many years apart are you all?

I reallllyyy miss my brother when we're both away at different Universities. BUT we try to ring each other (or skype) as often as we can to catch up on pointless life events that are only worth talking about to each other!

Can you guess if he's older or younger and how big the age gap is between us?

Btw the picture was taken at my cousins wedding, a little fancy dress silly section they had....I'll upload some more pictures of others dressed up in silliness if you like, just comment below so I know to do so =P xxx

Monday, 10 October 2011

Family sundays

What do you guys do on Sundays?

Do you have family sundays too, where each member of the family will try and make it back to eat together?

My brother and I are at University, but we try to get back every 2 weeks or so for a meal with mum and our loved ones. I really enjoy these meals as I feel it brings us closer and its nice to see your loved ones laughing and joking at the  dinner table instead of stressing about work and life!!!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Tights are out, Autumn is here!

 (photo from tumbler)
SO excited for autumn although the spitting rain is fairly irritating!!! But, tights are out and I'm looking forward to falling leaves and layering of clothing.
How do you all feel about autumn? Goodbye English summer.
Back at University and ready to wrap up warm with thin layer!


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

When you're ill...

I hate being ill.

I mean who likes it anyway? Urgh, means I get to watch day time tele (hello Jeremy Kyle) or in my case SISTER ACT (to cheer me up), but means letting people down when I had work today =( HATE letting people down.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Finally an achievement!!

Wow, welcome to my blog. This is a bit like xanga, makes me begin to think how fast 4 years have gone...
I'm SOO happyyy right now!! I found out I passed my drug calculations exam. NOT only that...

I passed with 100% (That never happens to me!!!) just shows I CAN do it =)

Story behind the exam is soo me though...this is what happened...

* So, I woke up particularly early on this Monday morning, hoping that I could get breakfast and some focus on the exam before arriving at uni. Then I decided I didn't want to walk (40 minutes) and sweat it out before my exam, so I drove in. I was 30 minutes early. Phew.
So, everyone's catching up on their holiday etc, when my friend pulls out her student ID card,

urm...""NO! Are you Serious??!!!

"Tiff, whats wrong? You haven't got it have you? It'll be okay, just mention it to the lecturer when she comes in"

I leg it out of the computer lab as fast as I could....lecturers outside.

"Urm...Do we definitely NEED our student ID cards?"

"YES TIFFANY YOU DO, otherwise it's a direct referral"


The lecturer was soo nice, she was telling me to be careful and that I had 25 minutes before I would not be let back in....I will not lie, that was the quickest run (to the car) that I've ran in this whole year ...when I get in the car, I nearly hit a cyclist, I was sooo nervous. Traffic. Great =(
I get home, and quickly get my ID card and leg it back out. My housemate was sooo confused and scared too see me, but I had no time to tell him what happened!!
time's ticking...15 minutes GONE...only 10 left AND i've got to paark the car, run back to uni and get up 5 flights of stairs!! URGHHH!!!

23 minutes gone, I make it back into the computer lab. WOW. DRAMA. 2 minutes later and I would've failed!!! Withouttt sitting the exam!!!! pass with the mark I did, makes me even happierrrrr!!! I proveed to myself that I can achieve. Even if I am the most clumsiest person on earth....